Thursday, February 23, 2012

Live The Life You Want

You have the ability to live the greatest, most auspicious life if you take control right now and make choices that effect spectacular changes. This control ultimately adjusts your life and you will begin to live the life you truly want.

Envision the Life You Want

If you don't have a vision of the life you want, you can't take the first step toward that life. You need to be able to see your perfect life in your mind before you can make it a reality. As with anything else, you will not go forward without the vision of your life they way it's meant to be.

If you find it's difficult to envision it, you can write your goals down and use photographs, if necessary. Start with your ultimate goal, the life you truly want to live, and work from there.

Eliminate What Serves No Purpose

Anything in your present life that will not serve a purpose in the future must be eliminated. Holding on to things that will hold you back will not get you to the life you want needs to be left behind. Begin with the small things in your life that aren't working for you, then move on to larger things. Once that is done, you can begin to gather the things that will help make your envisioned life become a reality.

Start by making a list of the unnecessary things, people, places, and habits that do not fit in your envisioned life. Anything that does not benefit you must be eliminated and replaced with the things, people, places, and habits that will make your envisioned life truly great.

Replace With What Best Serves You

When you eliminate unnecessary things in your life, you must replace them with beneficial things. Instead of a bad habit of, say, smoking, replace that habit with something like working out or yoga. Do not let negativity distract you. Your goal is now clear and you are on the path to greatness.

As previously mentioned, make a list, with photos, of the life you want. If there are things that are not on that list that should be, put them on. If there are things on that list that shouldn't be there, remove them. Everything on your list of the life you want to live should ultimately bring you to the point you want to be.

Lana Jordain's novel, Ready? Set...Fly!, discusses the path to the ultimate life and how she went from living a life of pain to being positive and now living the life she was destined to live. Her novel can be purchased at

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